“A healthy man owes to the sick all that he can do for them
An educated man owes to the ignorant all that he can do for them
A free man owes to the world's slaves all that he can do for them”
Clean Energy Expert Bringing Black Voices to The Table
Story by
(*48:25 Minute Mark)
GreenBiz Senior Analyst Sarah Golden shares highlights of conversations with Bartees Cox, director of marketing and communications at Groundswell, an organization that brings community solar to low-income customers; Alexis Cureton, former electric vehicle fellow at GRID Alternatives, which works to bring clean energy jobs and access to low-income communities; and Taj Eldridge, senior director of investment at Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator.
*Music in this episode by Blue Dot Sessions, AdmiralBob 77, Stefan Kartenburg and Lee Rosevere: "Throughput," "Our Fingers Cold" and "Hundred Mile — Atmospheric" (Blue Dot); "Two Guitars" (AdmiralBob 77); "The Vendetta," "Guitale's Happy Place" and "Arc de Triomphe" (Kartenburg); "Curiosity" and "I'm Going for a Coffee" (Rosevere)
NRDC:Everyone Can Benefit from Electric Homes: Here’s How
–Alexis Cureton, NRDC California State Lead; Clean Energy & Equity
Green Biz 350 Podcast:
Plastics pledges, clean energy vows and a deforestation dialogue
– Podcast Episode 147